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To listen
Experience shows that one of the reasons why projects fail is that either people do not listen to each other or do not understand what the other person has said or is saying. Our way of working always starts with listening, listening to the client’s needs and understanding the circumstances and requirements. We see it as the consultant’s duty to make sure that everybody’s opinion is heard and also understood.
To see
One of the main reasons to engage a consulting company, apart from expertise, is to get an outsiders perspective into a company. While bringing in experience and new ideas Realmove believes that one of the success factors is awareness, only by being aware of the people and the environment can a project reach a successful conclusion
To speak
All successful projects require communication. Communication and understanding are one of the biggest challenges. Realmove sees its position not as an outsider during a project but as being part of the team. We work together with out clients to ensure the communication flows and by translating between the different parties
To evaluate
Having assessed the actual situation and understood the requirements and circumstances we develop suited actions to achieve the desired goal. Every project creates cost, internal costs such as labour costs as well as external costs. In order to be able to justify those costs it is important to define together with the action steps the benefit of each of the steps. Together with the client we analyse the costs and benefits and agree on the project plan, the actions, the timing and the measurement criteria’s. By having this in place not only the goal reaching gets measurable but also the progress can be traced
To initiate
The project plan is one of the important factors to have before starting a project. Equally as important is to know the resources and the impacted people. Our experience shows that it is essential that the project team is defined and everybody in it is prepared for his/ her role and is aware of his/ her tasks.
Once a project is started and communicated it creates movement and uncertainty within a company. Realmove owns based on the experience of projects delivered, a set of tools to manage the project from the launch, trough the necessary transformation to the end
To support
A successful project requires the support of each of the team members. The insight of the people working in the company as well as the expertise of the consultant in coaching the process. While the experience and the sharing of best practises helps to avoid pitfalls during a project, the task of the consultant is also to support the customer in focussing on the development of its own solution, tailored to his needs and circumstances.
The team approach facilitates a knowledge transfer from the consultant to the company, increases the acceptance of the solution and that makes it easier to implement it. The additional installation of supporting tools and mechanisms helps to secure a lasting success and to make the consultant redundant.