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Reaching goals requires movement, moving in a new direction or looking at and changing methods, results in leaving the comfort zone and breaking with habits.


To avoid resistance to leave the comfort zone the benefits and the impact on routine need to be defined and understood. A conscious effort is required to break with habits and to make change happen. Only by achieving change can we achieve movement

Change Management

Realmove manages change while positioning the organization for the longer term through:


PREPARING the team, defining the objectives, plans, and measurements. Developing the sponsorship model, the guidelines, templates and checklists for the entire process.


MANAGING to promote a climate conducive to change by implementing each significant step in the change process in conjunction with the people who are directly affected.


REINFORCING by the collection and analysis of feedback, celebrating successes, diagnosing gaps and implementing corrective actions to ensure adequate user involvement and deal systematically with peoples' fears.


COMMUNICATING to ensure that people understand the reason for the changes, making the changes transparent and helping people to understand the effect and benefit.


MEASURING the change progress against measurement criteria and standards to make adjustments as necessary to stay on track.

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